The internet is a crucial place for any movements organising, mobilisation and coordination. I suppose it make some form of sense that guilds online power channels give arbitrary and uncountable power to the executive. I’m going to be working to change this if you want input just say.
The guilds Facebook group page, this group should be a centre of the student movements online organising….. It’s not.
Being able to send out a message at the drop of a hat to 3000+ of Birmingham Guilds most active students is a powerful tool, a powerful tool that is given arbitrarily to only a select group of students (not even all officers receive it, who gets admin status is decided by the previous year’s Admins ).
The same goes for the guilds website news feed, twitter feed and facebook page again editorial control of the content of these feeds lies solely with the executive.
The officers are not just arbitrarily given the power to mobilise, but the power to decide who gets to say what, to decide what information or events that the student body can see. If an officer disapproves of a group and that group requests publication it’s within their mandate to turn them down out of hand (if you’re wondering yes this power is used actively). This resource should be used fairly between all students of all opinions (not just executive approved ones).
The Facebook groups wall, a place to promote your views and society? as admins officers have the power to block students they disapprove of (I should I know I’m still blocked and I’m an officer!). Its good we have moderators for the wall to stop it being used and abused, I don’t think moderators of political opinion are necessary.
This amounts to a guild that actively blocks a significant portion of its activists in their activities; at the last West Midlands Area NUS meeting in a group session I contradicted an officer from Birmingham guild of students who said that Birmingham guild of students doesn’t really have a large activist base. I said that it does have a very large base, it’s just that the guild “actively disengages from them” (pisses them off).
That’s all for now in part two of this post I will be writing about guild officer blogs. That doesn’t sound very interesting to me either. However if you have anything to say or like the idea of trying to take power away from an organisation whose instincts is to hold unto it like rigor mortis has set in then please contact me however you wish.