Check out the FB group
here and the website
hereif you want to do something to support the week e.g be a event helper, hand out leaflets, get inovled in the planing don't hesistate to contact me at
aslo do something right now invite your friends to the FB group and post a link to the website on your wall.
Various student groups are organising events during this week. For more information about the where and when of events, please see the events page
The aims of this week are:
1. Raise awareness of the upcoming climate change summit at Copenhagen
2. Discuss the deals which may, or may not be made
3. Encourage activism and for people to come to ‘The Wave,’ a climate change protest being held in London on the 5th December
4. Encourage everyone to lead more ethical, carbon neutral lifestyles
Please come along to as many events that you can and give your full support to ensure a fair, equitable deal is made among world leaders at Copenhagen this December. This will ensure that the worst effects of climate change are avoided.
Monday 16th November
Avon Room – University Centre – 1800-2130
Introduction to ‘How Old Will You Be in 2050′ and Film Showing of ‘The Age of Stupid‘
Tuesday 17th November
13:00 – 15:00 Climate Picnic outside the Oil Bank (natwest on campus) open, informal chat and about the Royal bank of Scotland (who own NatWest) and the role the banking sector have to play in a transition economy, food drink provided. Pop along say hi, chat have a drink..
17:00 - Guild of Students – Green room
Students Mobilize Students – A platform for students who want to start taking action to green up our community weather in halls, on campus or regionally and chance to network and meet other interested students. An open session not hosted or run by any group or individual.
Wednesday 18th November
University Square – 1100-1600
Cycling Road Show - Bring along your bike . Come and receive a helping hand for reducing your Carbon Footprint.
Activities include a free of charge cycle surgery so have those brakes checked, tyres pumped and chain oiled! If you are interested in taking part in the free adult cycle training on any of the days please email Caroline Radnor at
Cycle security coding will be available from the West Midlands Police to those who bring their cycle along on the day. The Police will also be helping you secure your cycle by selling quality Squire D-locks at a heavily subsidised rate (£9 instead of the retail price of about £30) in an effort to reduce the number of cycles on campus with inadequate locks. The majority of cycles stolen on campus have been secured with cable or chain style locks which can easily be cut. High visibility jackets and waistcoats will also be on sale at a discount for staff and students when showing ID cards.
Guild of Students – 14:00-1600 activist legal training: Activists Legal Project This workshop aims to arm you with information about the legal implications of taking direct action, the likely charges and penalties, stop and search and what happens at the police station. It aims to help you decide whether direct action is for you and helps give you the confidence to deal with the police and the arrest process.
Chaplaincy Worship Room 16:30 – 6:30 Seeds For Change Oxford Come to this workshop if you want to check out if direct action is for you or if you want to share ideas and learn some new techniques. The emphasis will be on practical tips and sharing ideas about how to make our actions safe, fun and effective.
20:00 - 21:30 Faith and Climate Change: With representatives from Christian, Hindu and Islamic Societies, we will explore how these issues are directly relevant to living out our faith on a day-to-day basis.
Thursday the 19th of November
University Campus 1100-1600
Go blue in the face for Climate Change. Give your support for a fair, equitable deal to be made at Copenhagen. Sign the ‘Here & Now‘ petition.
Joes Bar – 1800-2300
Lunar Society Informal Debate. Come along to debate the issues which matter in a fun casual informal way over drinks.
19:00 - 21:00
CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW!- UK SPEAKER TOUR - The climate crisis has been caused by rich industrialised countries, but it is the world’s poorer majority who are paying the highest price, as extreme weather events become more common, freshwater glaciers melt, and droughts increase. We believe that this means rich countries owe a ‘climate debt’ to the global south.
The Climate Justice UK speaker tour this autumn will see public meetings held around the country. Join us to hear why we need a global climate agreement which is both effective and delivers justice for the global south, and how you can make this happen.
Speakers are:
* Mohammed Shamsuddoha (Equity Bangladesh)
* Asad Rehman (Friends of the Earth)
(plus more tba)
Friday the 20th of November
main lecture theatre - Arts – 1700-1830
Question Time Debate, looking at the political aspects of climate change and the summit in December
Saturday 21st November –
Saturday the 21st of November
Guild of Students – 1030-1600
Model UN Copenhagen – A mock up of the real conference taking place in December.
Welcome to ModelCOP15, a 1-day conference organised by the University of Birmingham’s United Nations Society to take place on Saturday 21st of November 2009. It is a simulation of the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, which will be held in Denmark from 7 December to 18 December, and aims to establish a hopefully ambitious successor of the Kyoto Protocol.
ModelCOP15 aims to raise awareness about the significance of the Copenhagen Conference, and to inform at a very practical level about the topics at stake and the way in which these international negotiations are conducted. Each delegate (participant) will get the chance to represent one of the countries, or any of the organisations, which will be present at the negotiations in Copenhagen. In debates delegates will represent their respective country’s/ organisation’s position, and as a whole the committees will offer a productive ground for political, scientific, economic and social debate. SIGN UP HERE