Tuesday, 26 January 2010


any questions or suggestions you would like me to bring up just, e-mail to me at e.bauer@guild.bham.ac.uk

11:00am Wednesday 27th January 2010, S252 Metallurgy & Materials Building


1. Apologies

2. Update on Current Initiatives
(i) Binless Office Scheme
(ii) Rocket Composter
(iii) Grounds & gardens initiatives
(iv) Guild initiatives
(v) New battery recycling scheme

3. Waste and Recycling Figures

4. Awareness, including website

5. Waste and cardboard tender

6. Any Other Business

7. Date of Next Meeting

Monday, 25 January 2010

Are you thinking of running for ethical and environmental officer?

It’s a position with a wide remit and for a non-sabb it is always very active and sits on a number of positions. Including the guilds ethical and environmental work group, The universities waste management and recycling group , Fair-trade steering group, Food work group and the universities Environmental advisory group.
The EEO also organises and helps co-ordinate ethical and environmental campaigns at the guild of students and chairs the ethical and environmental forum which meets three times a term.

The EEO also helps organise the guilds role in fair-trade fortnight and organises the guilds yearly direct action and legal training workshops.

The position, since we live in a patriarchal and capitalist society, has been filled time and time again with male candidates- Nick Bryer, Steven Heywood, Julian Pritchard, Pippa Calver and myself. (Check out what pippa was up to on her blog).

If you are thinking of running to gain a head start you may want to come to 1st -

The university environmental forum
This is your chance as a student or a staff member to question, suggest and influence the university on environmental issues. It is a meeting for all staff and students with the universities sustainability and environmental Advisor - Dr Shields, the Guilds Vice president of democracy and Resources -Tom Guise and myself the Ethical and Environmental officer. Dr Shields will outline at the start of the meeting the universities position, what it is trying to do with regards to minimizing it impacts and problems. Afterwards we will be talking about what we could do and what our responses to these issues could be as a community. I think it very important that we make use of this opportunity to start a real community response based, with students staff and the university all involved, to ecological issues at the university. If you want to be EEO I think you should attend, the information you will gain in this event could also help you get elected, as it will become apparent in your speeches that you know what you are talking about. THIS TAKES PLACE - 5-6pm Thompson training suite, guild of students on the 2nd of February

And 2nd

Run for the ethical and environmental work group, this group is responsible for minimising the guilds environmental impacts wherever possible and in ensuring that guilds activities do not. At the ethical and environmental work group we will be drawing up a three year action plan for environmental improvements at the guild and checking the implementation and feasibility of ethical policy. If you thinking of becoming EEO, I would strongly recommend running for this position as it will give you a valuable insight into the workings of the guild. THE ELECTIONS TAKE PLACE on the 9th of February, at the ethical and environmental forum in the guild council chambers at 6pm.

I can answers any questions you may have about the position and I am happy to meet up anytime.

You can contact me on my mobile 07988056867

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Should the guild join international efforts to curb the illegal exploitation of minerals and other natural resources in eastern Congo?

Should the guild join international efforts to curb the illegal exploitation of minerals and other natural resources in eastern Congo?

As armed groups commit horrific atrocities to control and profit from these resources, large electronic companies apparently just do not care about how exactly the minerals in their products are acquired.

The Enough project have researched a detailed report about the situation in Congo (which you can find here ).

If students demand it ..... The guild could use its not in considerable procurement of electronics to influence the electronics industry as they weigh whether or not to invest in making their supply chains transparent and producing verifiably conflict-free products. To help end the systematic rape of women and purposeful infection with HIV, the use of child soldiers, environmental destruction and cyclic violence that has cost so many lives.... only if students decide to tackle the issue.

The motion proposes ...

“The Guild will revisit companies who we purchase electronics from within 12 months to determine whether they have taken the conflict minerals pledge, and base our purchasing of equipment from them in relation to this”

Followed by;

Within 12 months Guild will commit to only to only purchasing electronics from firms that have taken and are abiding by the conflict minerals pledge."
The executive have voted to reject this and however they will accept
“Endeavour to only purchasing electronics from firms that have taken and are
Abiding by the conflict minerals pledge where financially possible.”

The executive’s proposal would in my opinion make the action worthless, endeavouring but only under certain conditions is ridiculous political talk which is only capable of creating little or no change in over a indefinite timeframe.

Please do use the space below in the comments to debate this and if you want to directly talk to the officers stuffing the motion full of staw - e-mail Brigid Jones vpea@guild.bham.ac.uk Tom Guise VPDR@guild.bham.ac.uk and Johnny Davis VPW@guild.bham.ac.uk

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Elections and Ethical and Environmental Forum

Elections and Ethical and Environmental Forum

The Next ethical and Environmental forum is on Tuesday the 9th of February and this forum


The ethical and environmental, this group is responsible for minimising the guilds environmental impacts wherever possible and in ensuring that guilds activities do not.

“directly or indirectly worsen the rights or living standards of other groups in the global community.”

The ethical bit of the work group is new see – how about an ethical working group? for more info.

At the ethical and environmental work group we will be drawing up a three year action plan for environmental improvements at the guild and checking the implementation and feasibility of ethical policy.

If you thinking of becoming EEO or VPDR, I would strongly recommend running for these positions as it will give you a valuable insight into the workings of the guild.

The forum feeds into several guilds and university sub committees via the EEO, all students at the forum can vote and add things to the agenda.

The agenda for the meeting on Tuesday the 9th will be

Start by, questions to myself what I am doing , what should I do differently.
Co-ordinate our campaigns, requests for help notifications of what we are up to.
Network building, how will our networks work, what relationships will they have with the guild and uni?
Suggestions for changes around the university
Suggestions for changes in the guild
any other business

If you have anything you would like to add just message me or comment below



MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 1pm 17 December 2009

Present: Apologies:
Professor J Petts (Chair)
Mr E Bauer
Mr B Higgins
Dr T C Shields (Secretary) Dr M Gaterell
Mr I Gregory
Mr T Guise
Mr D Harrison
Mrs C Radnor
Dr M Rivetts
Dr F Young
In attendance:
Miss V Pendleton (Minutes)

1. Minutes (EAG 09.12.1)
The minutes of the meeting held 22 September 2009 were agreed subject to changing UEB to STG in the action on item 3 c).

2. Matters Arising
a) Review of environmental policy
Noted: The revised environmental policy had been approved by EHSEC.

b) Waste and recycling contracts update
Noted: The waste management contract was out to tender with a closing date of 7th January. Five organisations were being considered.
Reported: The financial year figures showed a decrease in waste to landfill and an increase in recycling. However, the calendar year figures were likely to show an increase in waste to landfill, largely due to the number of office moves taking place. The introduction of mixed recycling and binless office schemes was going well despite initial resistance in some areas.

c) Universities that Count BitC indices
Noted: The University would be submitting to the environmental index as agreed at the last meeting. The Sustainability Task Group had chosen to consider further the GRI, and was investigating moving up to the next level, for the CR reporting rather than switching to the BitC CR indices.

d) Sustainable travel plan update
Reported: The travel plan would be going to UEB on Monday 21 December for approval prior to wider circulation and consultations. An informal circulation of the draft had been well received by Birmingham City Council, which was encouraging as they would ultimately need to agree the plan as it would impact on future planning proposals. The sustainable travel website was now live.
Noted: There was an opportunity to bid for HEFCE leadership, governance and management funding for sustainable development initiatives, and options being considered including charging points for electric vehicles. The deadline for the bid was in February. The group to be updated on progress.
Further noted: Mr Bauer had information on a bike share scheme called Velocampus. He was advised to contact Mrs Radnor who was looking into this already.
Action: Prof Petts, Mr Bauer
e) HEFCE consultation
Noted: The response had been sent to HEFCE. A report from HEFCE was expected to be published in January.

f) HECM update
Noted: A rough draft of the carbon management plan update had been sent to Ian Barker, Director of Estates, who was sourcing data from Ian Gregory. A plan which included targets for 2020 needed to be drawn up; it would be worth establishing a working group, similar to the previous Carbon Management Group, to look at this. Dr Shields would raise this with Professor Heath and Mr Harrison at a meeting in January.
Action: Dr Shields
Discussed: Scope 1 emissions had increased slightly, potentially due to Mason Hall coming back online.
Further noted: The action from the last meeting, for Dr Young and Mr Gregory to produce a business case on fume cupboards, was still outstanding.
Action: Dr Young, Mr Gregory.

g) 10:10 campaign targets
Noted: This had been discussed at STG and the following agreed:
“This was not a suitable time for the University to sign up publicly, as a number of major projects were coming back on line during the baseline period which would make achievement difficult. However, the University would support the Guild and shadow the metrics to see what could be done internally.”

h) People & Planet Green League Table
Noted: The article had been circulated.
Further noted: The call for Estate Management statistics had already come in, and Dr Shields was working closely with Estates to ensure appropriate reporting of the number of staff working on environmental issues.

i) Guild activities
Reported: HAS had agreed to meet with representatives of the Guild regarding food procurement. Dr Shields would also attend the meeting.
Noted: The Guild was setting up a Staff and Student Environment Advocates’ Forum. This would be an opportunity for the University to inform the community of environmental initiatives and to hear a wide range of views.

j) Annual report
Noted: The annual report had been approved by EHSEC.

3. Future of the Advisory Group and Sustainability Task Group
Noted: The Vice-Chancellor was supportive of both groups. The STG would now report to UEB through Professor Petts as its Chair. The Advisory Group needed to revisit its terms of reference to ensure that these did not conflict with the remit of the STG, and also fit more appropriately under the umbrella of EHSEC, which was more compliance-driven..
Further noted: Professor Petts would produce a short paper for the Vice-Principal, Professor Sheppard, who was Chair of EHSEC. The paper would ask Professor Sheppard to nominate a new Chair for the Group and to consider the issue of academic representation. Professor Petts would then bring the paper and outcomes to the next meeting of this group.
Action: Professor Petts
4. AOB
Ergo homes
Noted: Dr Gaterell was involved in a number of research projects to do with eco housing. Professor Petts was exploring ways to improve awareness of these projects. Mr Bauer agreed to put the Guild Housing Officer in touch with Dr Shields and Dr Gaterell.
Action: Mr Bauer

5. Date of next meeting
Noted: The next meeting would take place in March. Dates would be circulated.

Monday, 18 January 2010

University environmental forum – if you attend one environmental event this month, make this one it!

It is in the thompson training suite in the guild at 5pm on tuesday feb 2nd.
This is your chance as a student or a staff member to question, suggest and influence the university on environmental issues.

Come along and take part in an open meeting for all staff and students with the universities sustainability and environmental Advisor - Dr Shields, the Guilds Vice president of democracy and Resources -Tom Guise and myself the Ethical and Environmental officer.

Dr Shields will outline at the start of the meeting the universities position, what it is trying to do with regards to minimizing it impacts and problems. Afterwards we will be talking about what we could do and what our responses to these issues could be as a community.

I think it very important that we make use of this opportunity to start a real community response based, with students staff and the university all involved, to ecological issues at the university.

Please do come along with ideas and suggestions,

Here are some items that I think outline ways that we could progressively develop as a university, please have a read if you have other links please do post them in comments below.

http://www.ecocampus.co.uk/ - “EcoCampus is an Environmental Management System (EMS) and award scheme for the higher education sector. The scheme allows universities to be recognised for addressing key issues of environmental sustainability.
The aims of the EcoCampus Scheme are to encourage, reward and provide tools to assist institutions in moving towards environmental sustainability through good operational and management practices.”

“This means students (and staff) can create their own vision of a low-carbon, future-proof university. It’s a truly community-level response to tackling climate change and has to be conceived and led from the bottom up.”

http://www.transitionedinburghuni.org.uk/ - “Transition Edinburgh University (TEU) is a staff-student initiative that aims to develop and implement localised practical projects to dramatically reduce our carbon emissions in response to the dual challenge of peak oil and climate change.”