Thursday, 27 May 2010

Corporate structure

I was writing that we need to change the nature of our movements collective intelligence. Information our movements “collective intelligence” is very much focused on the officer team. We need to transfer this to the very fabric of our movement.

Collective intelligence helps us deal with the world, free information like wikipedia is a great example of collective intelligence… collectively formed by those who tread the same paths.

It time that the student movement at Birmingham starts building for all students not just officers a data base on the university… which is why I’m publishing details of university structures along with contact information that aren’t available purely on the university website.

Universities are a Byzantine mess, they are one of the few institutions other than monarchy and the church to survive intact from the medieval era … we say intact but modern reforms have brought about a unified administration in the form of “corporate services”, with the Registrar and secretary at its head.

Below are the contact details of corporate services main positions and details of who is charge of who… so you know who to go over whose head by

These Directors unlike some of the members of the senate and council, although they maybe sympathetic… with their “job hats” on they will always fee obliged to take the universities side in every case. Unlike the academic structures of university they also are not tied by any democratic structures.

If you are getting no where, maybe just e-mail them all!

The Registrar and secretary Lee sanders , the president of guild has regular meetings and contact with the Registrar and secretary, if the president won’t back your cause however don’t be afraid to contact him yourself.

May also be worth using his PA --- PA to Registrar and secretary Kim Davies if no luck try calling on Tel: 0121 414 3977

The following Directors all work directly under the Registrar and Secretary

Director of Academic services Brendan Casey

Director of Finance Gill Ball

Director of IT Services Dr Sean P Duffy :

Director of development and IT issues Nick Blinco

Director of Human Resources and Administrative Services Heather Paver

Director of Legal Services Caroline Pike

Director of estates Ian Barker

Director of planning office Christine Abbott

Director of housing and accommodation Stuart Richards

Director of corporate relations Tracey Lancaster … don’t have her e-mail can anyone help fill in the blank?

Stuart Richards Director of HAS and Brendan Casey Director of Academic Services both have series of sub directors working for them

Working for Stuart Richards Director of HAS

Director of university catering Sue Mclaren

Director of Sport Zena Wooldridge

Director of Housing and accommodation general manger Lesley Stewart

Working for Brendan Casey Director of Academic Services are

Director of Library Servies Dianne Job

Director of Learning Development bob hunter

Director of academic and student admin Sophie Bowen … unfortunately missing

Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Why we should publish the vice chancellors e-mail for all students to hassle him.

To build a movement that grows, that changes, that has weight it needs to constantly replenish it self with, new activists, new “hubs” of the movement. This is something I think we do very poorly at the guild of students.

Hubs are easy to spot; they do a vast amount of the work, and they seemingly know everyone and have connections seemingly everywhere.

Yeah, we need people like this but where I think the guild falls flat on it face… Is that it turns these “hubs” into permanent entrenched leaders who suppress the development of their replacements… limiting the growth of our movement.

To become an effective student activist on campus you need introductions … not just to other students and student groups but to the university its officers and managers and union and staff campaigners… more than it requires skills, knowledge about the university and a memory of the past.

The Guild reserves all these things for mainly for its officers as an officer you get the training, get taught about university structures told who is who, who to approach on each issue and start building relationships with these people.

This knowledge needs to be decentralized away from individuals and woven into the very fabric our student movement’s environment.

We should have pages on the guilds website profiling the universities directors with the e-mails available, interactive maps of the universities committees; including their links. Members remit and contact information.

The system of campaign representation was (I hope) designed with the best intentions, to get students heard. Its has unfortunately now become more like a bottleneck more of a block than boost to student campaigns. It is surprising? we don't need the one many army we need hundreds of students with the tools and will to make a difference.

Up until I leave as EEO I’m going to spend time publishing this information as best I can, while its up copy and paste it incase it gets removed.
I’m going to start with the upper management academic structures
University council – the highest body in the university, approves all decisions.

Professor D Eastwood The Vice-Chancellor and Principal
Professor M C Sheppard The Vice-Principal 30/09/12

Professor M J Hilton Modern History 2012
Professor J M Marshall Medicine 2012
Professor C Ryan European Economics 2013
Professor A J Schofield Physics & Astronomy 2013

The Heads of College members of the council

Professor A Pauwels Arts and Law Email:

Professor E W Peck Social Sciences
Professor M C Press Life and Environmental Sciences
Professor N P Weatherill Engineering and Physical Sciences
Professor L S Young Medical and Dental Sciences

The senate

think of this as guild council for the university, recent reforms have weaken its powers considerably and handed them over the executive, however this is how staff and student dissent with decisions is expressed. If you are upset with a decision that seems to have already been made… then it could well be useful to approach these people.

Three College Board members (each of these has been nominated by the Heads of College)

Engineering and Physical Sciences

Dr D F Hermans Director of Education
Professor A J Schofield Director of Research
Professor D W L Hukins Head of School, Mechanical Engineering

Arts and Law

Professor M D Stringer Director of Education
Professor V L Gaffney Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer
Dr L Brydon Head of School, History & Cultures

Social Sciences

Professor C Ryan Director of Education
Professor C K Skelcher Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer
Professor P B Jackson Head of School, Government and Society

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Food Action Forum Group Meeting on 12 May 2010

Summary Notes and Actions of Inaugural Food Action Forum Group Meeting on 12 May 2010, 3rd floor Staff House, University of Birmingham

Attendance: Sue McLaren (SJMcL), Ed Sparkes (ES), Louise Sherratt (LS), Mark Houghton (MH), Kevin Herbert (KH), Jane Colbourne (JC), Adrian Blower (AB), Katie Ford (KF), Edd Bauer (EB), Laura Beckmann (LB) and Angela Smith (AS).

Apologies: Tom Guise (TG).

No. Item. Action.
1.0 Introductions:
• Sue McLaren opened the meeting and invited each member to introduce themselves.
2.0 Apologies:
• Please see above.
3.0 Membership and Terms of Reference:
• Terms of Reference were agreed by all present.

Review and Amendment of Current Membership:
• It was agreed that the membership should also included 2 members from the Residents Association. Ed Sparkes to advise.

4.0 Update on Services:
• Adrian Blower advised on the refurbishment that is taking place in the Retail and courtyard areas of the Guild. £4 million has been invested and the project is due be completed by July 2010.
• The group were advised that the food court has been designed to provide a more ‘upmarket’ feel, along the lines of “Zizzi’s” at a reasonable price. The bar is a multifunctional area able to deal with day and evening requirements.
• Coffee Nation machines will be fitted in membership services areas; these will be on same scale that is offered at the Main Library.
• Edd Bauer raised concerns over the ‘ethics’ of the Rain Forest Alliance which Coffee Nation promotes.
• A Chinese frozen and dry goods shop is opening in the Guild called ‘Fresh Asia’.

• Sue spoke about the recent i-Graduate survey and advised that she would circulate the results to Adrian Blower once her copy had been returned.
• Coffee Tender – Peros has been appointed. University will provide fairtrade coffee in coffee shops. Starbucks will not be included as it’s under a different contract.
• Refurbishment works will begin in Staff House on the 1st and 2nd floor and hopefully will be ready for the start of the next academic session.
• Works will begin in University Centre in summer. Spar and 19 Gales will be relocating. The café area will be expanding and a mezzanine floor introduced to give a food court feel to the area. Café Spice will be a noodle type style of outlet. Mark confirmed that tofu and vegan options will be available. Mark also advised vegan meals are currently available in outlets, but only provided on request.
• Guild and University will work together to promote vegetarian and vegan foods on the new Campus Cooking site.
• New counters in Fusion have been well received.
• Catering prices will be review in August.
• I Lounge Café – café operation is planned to open in the Library at the start of the next academic year.
• Starbucks opening times will be reviewed for the exam period for next year.
• Meal Plan from September 2010 will be able to accept certain VAT items, i.e. orange juice and ice cream.
• Sue briefly spoke about the cashless card system and will give a full update at the AMG. Note: It would appear that the current EPOS system is unable to facilitate this functionality.
• Kevin and Ed spoke about the campus cooking project run by Tom White that will be launched in September offering residents a food diary system, cookery demonstrations, international films, shopping guide to Birmingham and much, much more. This initiative will be advertised on both Guild and University portals with the aim to targeting 1st year students.
• British Food Fortnight (18 Sept – 4 Oct) takes place over Welcome Week this year. Its aim is to promote British produce and local sustainable products. Mark hopes to have the Farmers Market on site during this promotion.


5.0 Any Other Business:
• It was agreed that Adrian and Sue would keep each other in the loop regarding research to save duplication and will look at the possibility of introducing ‘mystery shoppers’.
• Katie raised questions over the future of Avanti and was informed that it will be evaluated depending on the new structure of University Centre and Staff House. Sue advised that she was keen to keep the Chicken Joe brand as it is very popular.
• Jane Colbourne is in the process of writing FAQ’s and will include items regarding vegetarian and vegan food.
• Polystyrene plates and containers used in Avanti are receiving complaints. Catering is looking at introducing bio-degradable cardboard products. Guild is also exploring more environmentally friendly items.
• Jane C will advised on areas were Soya milk products available on campus.
• Sue will look at the offers in Avanti as comments regarding ‘healthiness’ have been received.
• Sue M thanked Ed, Edd and Katie for all their efforts with the formulation of this group and wished them well for the future – it was hoped to build on this group.
• Van sales of local produce are to be investigated for the residential sites.


Date of Next Meeting: To be arranged. Group wishes to meet in July 2010.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Food Action Forum Group

As some of you will know the first "official" meeting of the oddly titled “Food Action Forum Group”, is meeting this Wednesday at 1pm.

Below is the terms of reference for the group (what it deals with officially) and the agenda for the meeting.

If there is anything you would like brought up, especially any ethical or environmental issues or suggestions you have with or for catering related issues. Please do message myself or Ed “I got naked but, I am not wot for” Sparkes or suggest something on the group wall for debate.


Terms of Reference:

The Food Action Forum Group is concerned with all aspects of catering and food provision on campus and in halls of residence. The Group aims to consolidate the various existing methods of gaining student feedback (Residents’ Association, the E&E Committee, Focus Groups, Forums, Survey etc…) and provide a forum for the discussion of all catering related issues including Hub grub, procurement, healthy living, ethical and environmental impact, costs/prices, services and operational issues.

The Group aims to be a force for collaboration between the University of Birmingham and the Guild of Students in order to develop and enhance the catering experience of all stakeholders on campus.


1.0 Introductions
2.0 Apologies for Absence
3.0 Membership and Terms of Reference
3.1 Review and amendment of current membership
4.0 Update on Services – Guild and UoB
5.0 Any Other Business

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

The back door... that is odd, I feel like the front door has been kicked in

In my title I'm of course referring to the executives, rather arrogant dismisal of the no campaigners asking for changes to the referendum.

Johnny Davis said “this is a back door attempt to make changes” of course this is a referral to guild council’s attempts to change the new bye laws.
Somehow the referendum has become a absolute result ... odd considering the actual question asked was ““Should the Guild of Students develop and implement new democratic decision making processes based on these proposals, which can be found at”

And here is quote from the guilds president during the campaign “It is about getting the basic idea that we want referendums and open meetings and then we will draw up the 'legal texts' which will have to be approved by Guild Council and the trustee Board anyway.”

I can only describe the position that we can’t change the proposals because of the result of referendum deeply hypocritical.

Considering that as a test of student opinion that the results are somewhat invalidated by the way the Guild of Students allowed the 'yes' campaign privileged access to its extensive resources. This included employing students to hand out leaflets and put up posters in support of the 'yes' campaign, using the Guild's professional marketing department for the preparation and dissemination of 'yes' campaign material, granting access to Guild of Students Facebook group and events pages, and Guild and University e-mail lists, as well as respective officers soliciting support from residence associations and student groups for which they have responsibility. Most, if not all, full-time sabbatical officers campaigned in support of the 'yes' campaign against an under-resourced 'no' campaign run by students, many of whom were in the middle of essay deadlines and exams. All at a cost that we can only guess to be measured in the thousands.

It is not a stretch to question the meaning of 'support' for the proposals given that the 'yes' campaign focused largely on a simplistic and ambiguous 'vote yes' message couched in terms of currently popular memes such as 'change' and 'progress' which did not reflect the significance of the reforms being discussed or the issues raised during the 'consultation'. The only public debate during the campaign(s) was very poorly advertised by the Guild of Students and only around 10 students attended.

Considering despite this, hundreds of students voted no any many like some no campaigners asked abstained (yes Votes: 1681 No Votes: 337 Abstains: 98 spoilt ballots: 39 Total Votes Cast 2155 Total Valid Votes 2116) about 78% yes, it would not a stretch to be allowed at least allow some small amendments to be made... absolute none where. In my opinion the guild has taken another turn for the worse.

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Protect Students not Israel!

Before I start, I do not find racism in any way enjoyable, and I am firmly for most No Platform policies in most contexts.

The motion, if passed; would discourage, daunt and threaten deeply needed debate that is morally and legally legitimate. The motion asks students to accept the EUMC definition of anti-Semitism, a definition the UK rejected in favour of a definition of all hate crime.

The EUMC definition while well reasoned in many respects, has serious flaws. From it individuals criticising Israel can be smeared as racist.

Individual criticism of Israel can be inferred to be racist simply from the fact that such criticism seems disproportionate when compared to some general level of criticism levelled at other western democracies or other states. Anti Israeli activists can’t help that the general criticism of say Britain, France the USA are not higher (it really should be), Anti Israeli activists don’t deserved to be smeared as racist because other people don’t criticise other countries as much.... it would also be absurd to ask them to criticize all the other racist, ethnic cleansing and criminal states at the same time, there are unfortunately many of them, we are talking about are individual students not amnesty international! Racism is heavy charge to bring against students and no platform is a extremely harsh punishment speaking in what is considered above the proportionate general level of criticism, if such rules where applied to all aspects of debate how would change ever happen?

The EUMC definition also defines Nazi comparison i.e drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis, as racist. I can see the issue I would understand if someone compared Jewish person’s activities to that of Nazis or Nazi Germany, but I consider the state of Israel to be just as liable as any other state to this kind of criticism ... and the exercise of comparison is certainly not in most contexts racist.

Israel breeches regularly many fundamental human rights and commits ethnic cleansing, as do many states who should also be criticised, I like many students on campus would be branded racist and lumped in with skinheads and the fascists.

This motion needs resisting... the officers have given the motion no recomendation, which means they neither condem nor condone. I would have hoped the team would have rejected it, guild council is on tuesday may 4th, do attend if you can.

Here is a copy of the motion

Motion: EUMC Definition of Anti-Semitism
Guild Council Notes:
1. The last year has seen an unprecedented increase in Anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish students on campuses all over the UK
2. The EU Monitoring Committee working definition on Anti-Semitism has been created and agreed upon by all member states of the European Union as the right way to identify Anti-Semitism
3. At the last National Conference, the National Union of Students by a majority vote decided to renew the EUMC definition in their constitution
4. The decision to renew this was supported by all seven NUS delegates as voted for by the students of the University (which include the President, VPHC, VPSAD, VPDR)

Guild Council Believes:
1. That all students have the right to study, socialise and live free from racism, fear and intimidation
2. That the working definition of Anti-Semitism sets the boundaries of what constitutes Anti-Semitism whilst still allowing for criticism of Israel

Guild Council Resolves:
1. To put the Guild of Students on the front line in tackling Anti-Semitism and all other forms of racism.
2. To encourage the Vice-President of Welfare, ARAF officer and the Jewish Society to work with other societies to raise awareness about Anti-Semitism and the different forms it takes

Guild Council Mandates:
1. The President of the Guild of Students, when signing off external-speaker request forms, ensure that all external speakers follow the EUMC definition
2. The President of the Guild of Students to reject a speaker if they have a history of Anti-Semitic language in line with the EUMC definition.