Thursday 1 October 2009

Blog Reports - Ideas for Changes? anyone?

Above Traffic sources for click to enlarge(if anyone wants so different data just say)

We all know these blogs are not well read .. I think the executive should get a pint (each) for reporting/ Blogging as much as they have while in full awareness of the bleak knowledge that nobody is reading (10 hits a day is the average).

The Traffic Sources paint a cliquey picture, it would appear that nearly all visits either come from students already on the officer blogs - mainly through Fabians which acts as a gateway or from referral amongst our own friends on Facebook and twitter.

The Presidents Blog will always act as the bait / the gateway for new student readers, people are for ever going to be attracted to information on the key positions. If officer blogs are ever going to become a effective communication tool then they need better promotion.

Nearly a full third of traffic to comes from Fabians blog, The next biggest officer source is Tom Guise with 5.25%.

On the Guilds website there is not a single mention of the officer blogs or that officers are reporting, you can find links on the officer page but only if your lucky enough to stumble upon it.

I think buttons promoting the Blogs are needed on the front page of the and they should in my opinion link to the presidents blog.

What does everyone else think? Representative democracies shouldn’t be done in secret. Looking at the current sources how can guild create a less cliquey readership?

Yes I am aware of irony of starting a “public” debate here, however another important part of readership is content and if the guild wants a better readership officers need to write more interesting more engaging items.


  1. I have just sent Edd an email about this but it is worth reiterating my point here: we identified this problem some time ago and are actually already workiung on making this more accessible and more visible. I will report back when I have updates! It's work in progress!

  2. I know you identified this problem and are working on it. I think I made it quite clear that that I was appealing for student expertise and ideas. The Guild is strongest when we put problems on the table and use our collective skills on a grass root level to solve them.

    If anyone has any ideas the guild has some solutions but we would very much appreciate yours!

  3. Feel free to call me Tom, Edd. I hate all the formality.

  4. Edd this has very little to with profile but rather content, officers have to post regularly but there is nothing to stop officers posting worthless items.

  5. I think those traffic statistics look pretty good actually. You have probably had more hits in the past two weeks than most previous years sab /non-sab blogs. The most important thing to keep the numbers up is to post regular content but which is more than just Guild promotional material and something of some substance and is interesting. Some opinions and ideas are always good... Some of this years sabs /non-sabs are doing well, others not.

  6. Just to point out that the guild website has been updated to make it easier to find blogs. We're still working on further improving this.
