Here is the agenda for the next Environment Health and Safety Executive meeting. Have a read and reply below if there is anything you would like brought up about any of the points or something you would like added. The uni loves student feedback don't hold back! If you would like anymore details about any of the subjects just ask and I will try to find it for you asap.
Meeting to be held on Tuesday 22nd September 2009 at 2:30 pm,
Vice Chancellor’s Meeting Room, Aston Webb
1.Apologies & Introductions
2.Minutes of the last meeting 1st June 2009 (attached EAG 09.09.1)
3.Matters Arising:
a.Environmental Policy Review
b.Waste and Recycling Contracts update
c.Environmental Management Systems
(i) BiTC indices (attached EAG 09.09.2)
(ii) Ecocampus scheme.
d.Sustainable Travel Plan Update
e.Carbon Management
(i) HEFCE consultation
(ii) HECM Update
(iii) 10:10 campaign targets
f.People & Planet Green League Table
g.Guild Activities
4.Annual Report (attached EAG 09.09.3)
5.Green Impacts Project
6.Sustainability Task Group Development
7.Date of next meeting
Leaving Counter-Strike behind
Last year I wrote a post about how I needed to take some time out, due to
me developing physical anxiety symptoms. It’s fair to say that many things
got on...
1 year ago
I think this will be a very exciting meeting!
ReplyDeleteThanks for updating your blogroll with my new web address!
The sustainable travel plan is going to be quite interesting I think, although it's aimed mainly at Uni staff, they have, I understand, some innovative thoughts about home students and lift sharing....stay tuned!! :)