Present: Stuart Richards (Director of HAS – Chair), Pete Nobbs (Medicine and Dentistry), Sue McLaren (Director of Catering), Lucy Whalley (Oxfam), Erika Malone (Retail), Jane Colbourne (HAS Procurement), Edd Bauer (Guild Ethical and Environmental Officer), Sylvia Gardiner (Library & LUCIA), Margaret Healy-Pollett (Chaplaincy & Traidcraft stall), Lizzy Bell (People & Planet), Louise Sherratt (Catering Operations), Edmund Duesbury (Fairtrade Supporter), Zoe Pflaeger (Post Graduate)
Apologies: Steve Burton, Angie Gibson, Kate Weiler, Helen Senior
1) Minutes/Actions from last Meeting
• Jane has been in touch with Starbucks about arranging a meeting but has yet to set a date. JC
• Website – Helen has updated the Fairtrade webpage and has added the Fairtrade fortnight events.
• Redbrick article – unsure whether an article went in Redbrick.
• Fairtrade Officer for Oxfam – this is ongoing but should be ok
• Fairtrade offer at new Guild catering outlet. Sue has emailed Adrian at the Guild about offering Fairtrade products.
• Stuart has spoken to LGUA about serving Fairtrade beverages at meetings
• Report to the Fairtrade Foundation – the University’s Fairtrade status has been renewed and the Foundation congratulated us on the number of events organised. Well done all!
• Erika has been trying to get FT sales figures from Spar and Costcutter.
• Coffee Nation – this coffee is not Fairtrade but is Rainforest Alliance certified. Louise has spoken to Ken from Coffee Nation but there is no current plan to change. Sue will keep this under review.
2) Fairtrade Fortnight
• Wine tasting 22nd February 6.30pm Café Aroma Staff House. Lucy is awaiting confirmation from John Boyle that the Co-op will support the event again this year. If not the ticket price may need to change. Payment for the wine can be made by purchasing card if cardholder goes with Lucy to collect it. Sue offered transport for collecting the wine via one of the catering managers. (LW, JC)
• Ethical Buffet 25th February 7.00pm Noble Room Staff House.
• Fashion show – Friday 12th March Great Hall 7.30 – 9.30pm with stalls open from 6.45 and until 10.15. There is an issue with drinks – Sue will speak to her managers about this (LB, SJMcL)
• 27th February Fab n Fresh at the Guild with Traidcraft stall
• Fairtrade beer and wine festival at the Guild during all of Fairtrade Fortnight
• Naked Day of Action – Students against sweatshops (People and Planet and Fairtrade Foundation campaign) 24th February.
• Fairtrade Association Birmingham (FAB) will have a marquee in Victoria Square on 27th February 10.00 – 3.30. May also be arranging a Fairtrade Tea Dance nearby.
• Lucy will prepare a poster for all the events for everyone to circulate. Stuart offered to get the events circulated on the all-staff email list if Lucy sends the text to him. (LW, SR)
3) Traidcraft – Margaret has a new volunteer but more volunteers would be welcome so the stall could be opened for longer. £170 was banked after Christmas sales. Sales are growing. Unfortunately the safe had been broken into again however there was no money stolen this time as it had been banked. Margaret has not had a response about the Guild volunteer form.
• Coffee tasting in Starbucks 10th March at 6.45pm. Tickets £2 in aid of LUCIA. Starbucks has a link with coffee growers in Ethiopia which is where LUCIA supports projects.
• An art exhibition with local artists is planned in June
• Beer and skittles at the Selly Park Tavern 19th February. Tickets £4.00 from John Rickards in the Library.
• LUCIA will have a stall in the FAB marquee on 27th February.
5) FAB
• Jane has sent text about Fairtrade at the University for the Fairtrade City pamphlet that is being prepared for FAB.
6) AOB
• £712 was raised by Angie Gibson and her colleagues at a bake sale at the Medical School yesterday in aid of the Haiti appeal.
• Angie asked (via email) whether anything could be done to encourage the University to use Fairtrade products at high profile events such as the BUAFTAs. Stuart will investigate the pricing structure.(SR)
• Erika reported that Spar intend to widen their range of Fairtrade products
• Erika offered a stall at the Farmers Market on 24th February for Fairtrade. If anyone is interested they should contact her.
• Fairtrade apple juice is now available and also Divine butterscotch flavour. Fairtrade chocolate flavoured milk has been trialled but did not sell well.
• Organisation of a tea party had been mentioned at the last meeting. It was suggested this would be better held later in the year in the Great Hall.
• Edd would like the University to support the Workers Rights Consortium. There is a cost of £1000 per year – the Guild has offered £500 and Kukri a further £100. Edd circulated a letter to the University requesting its support.
7) Next meeting – 12th May 3.00pm 3rd floor Staff House
Leaving Counter-Strike behind
Last year I wrote a post about how I needed to take some time out, due to
me developing physical anxiety symptoms. It’s fair to say that many things
got on...
1 year ago
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