Tuesday 9 February 2010

Naked Lunch supports; students getting naked

The Iconic Birmingham club night, and strong proponents of nudity the Naked Lunch, will be givin out free guest list tickets to their March party on the 9th - to any student who takes part in the naked photo shoot for a transparent fair system.

This is not just about public nudity however …

the workers rights consortium is not just about sweatshops it is about; LGTBQ rights, Human rights, Women's rights, fighting Racism, Ageism and all forms of discrimination( gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, or social or ethnic origin).

Why not get your group involved in the action, message me if you want me to come meet with you or your committee.


  1. don't really want to naked publically, where will it be held?

  2. not actauly naked, that would probably be illegal, my own views on the law aside we probably should not do that.

    We just need to create the illusion of nudity so all people need to see is various ammounts of legs and arms whatever people are comfy with doing, there will be signs of all shapes and sizes to hide behind.

    as for location still workin on it, chattin with uni, althrough I am thinkin the farmers market.
